The Haunted Collingwood Arts Center
In this installment, Sarah Chelten talks some more about our experiences at the Collingwood Arts…
In this installment, Sarah Chelten talks some more about our experiences at the Collingwood Arts Center.
I’ve been all over the Collingwood Arts Center, from top to bottom, but this area of the building will forever be the one spot to always put me on edge. Ghosthunters have nicknamed this area “the Cells.” It is a small, narrow hallway with a handful of small rooms, each one barely big enough to…
Gibbs Bridge has earned a reputation as being one of northwest Ohio’s most haunted bridges. So, Josh and I headed out to see if we could get the spirits to communicate, using a variety of devices. One of the devices we used was the highly popular GhostTube app. While I’m not normally a fan of…
On December 16, 2017, we had the extraordinary pleasure of interviewing Tony Packo, Jr. about his experiences inside the historic restaurant which bears his family name. After the interview, he honored us by having us participate in a Toledo tradition – signing a Packo’s hot dog bun! When we returned the following month for our…
During the 2nd annual Paranormal Toledo convention, we encountered something that has forever changed the lives and perceptions of everyone in Haunted Toledo. Many paranormal investigators know something malevolent lurks the basement complex of the Collingwood Arts Center. We’ve all heard the tales and some have their own stories to tell concerning this entity. For…
A few years ago, Haunted Toledo went looking for the legendary Elmore Rider. In this vlog, Sarah talks about what happened that night!
Go inside the infamous Bone House with Haunted Toledo’s Sarah Chelten as we prepare for a night of fun-filled games! Listen to the story of the Bone House as she walks you through the building! This raw footage was shot for our social media feeds on June 30, 2018.
The claims surrounding this area, which has been dubbed “the piano room” by ghosthunters, is one of those lesser known legends of Collingwood. As the story goes, passers-by often report hearing the sounds of piano music coming from this room. Many think nothing of it, as it is a semi-public space that anyone can enter….
The Paranormal Toledo convention at the Collingwood Arts Center in September of 2017 left a long-lasting impression on many who attended. Some more than most, actually. The Collingwood Arts Center is, perhaps, the most haunted building in northwest Ohio. Everyone who has spent any time hunting the legends of Collingwood has generally ended up walking…
The Gerber House is the oldest part of the Collingwood complex and the original building to sit on the property. Originally built as a home for the Gerber family, the property was acquired by the Ursuline Order and upon which the rest of the Arts Center was added. It is inside this part of the…