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TV and Documentaries

“The Scientific Ghosthunter” by Christopher Tillman

(c) 1998, revised 1999, 2002, 2024

Over the years, there have been a ton of documentaries produced concerning the paranormal and all the various topics that fall into such a category. So many, in fact, that it’s hard to keep up with all the videos on the market. Stores and retailers, like Amazon.Com, have quite a selection devoted to documentary film and video. And, if they don’t have a specific title, they can easily order it for you. Many of the documentaries I have that center around paranormal subject matter, many of them two-tape sets, were found among the rows and rows of videos at stores like Media Play.

And, don’t forget that every October the major cable channels (History Channel, The Learning Channel, A&E, and others) devote considerable portions of their programming schedule to paranormal subject matter. (The rest of my video collection is endless hours of recording the great stuff these channels have to offer!) In many ways, the documentaries produced by these channels are far superior to those that are made specifically for the video market. For instance, the History Channel ran several documentaries in October of 2000 on the Amityville Horror – some in support, some skeptical – and I have never seen anything done on this one subject in a more professional and objective manner. If it wasn’t for these cable channels, I probably wouldn’t have cable. They make the monthly bill worth it.