“The Scientific Ghosthunter” by Christopher Tillman
(c) 1998, revised 1999, 2002, 2024
It’s important that you build and maintain a solid network of researchers and individuals you can turn to for help when you need it. You can also receive a lot of good research leads and referrals concerning paranormal activity in your area. They may even have new information concerning legends and hauntings you’ve never heard of, or data about a case you’ve already investigated.
The best way to get in touch with other researchers is, of course, through the Internet. Resources, like Facebook, can be the perfect starting point. Here you’ll find literally thousands of discussion groups dedicated to paranormal phenomena. Many of these groups also deal specifically with a certain region, state, or city. And, if there is no group for your general area of interest or geographic location, you can create one for free.
When you see a group you might like to join, read through some of the old posts and get a feel for the type of people you’re likely to meet through your participation. Also, familiarize yourself with any rules of conduct (either posted or implied) that you might be expected to adhere to as a member of the group. When you do sign up as a member (usually for free), cordially introduce yourself and post some information about your interest in the paranormal. Be enthusiastic and let others get to know you as you get to know them. Often, you will be well received by other members, but sometimes you’ll get the cold shoulder from individuals (sometimes entire groups) who would rather not hear anything you have to say; or, they continually try to get you to change your views of the paranormal to make them more in line with theirs. These are the so-called “experts,” the ones who have all the “answers” and wish to hold a monopoly on ghosthunting knowledge. The good news is that there aren’t many of these types. It only seems like it because they make the most noise.
Other than that, just sit back and enjoy your time networking with others. A network of researchers you can turn to for advice and input is a resource that EVERY ghosthunter should have in their arsenal. Just bear in mind that we’re all looking for the same answers even if we are asking different questions, or using different methods of discovery.